
Allen Engel (at 9% .jpeg)
(See below)
Marketing Manager Wages & Stock compensation Wholesale Consumer Gifts Sales
This job pays wages and stock compensation. The job is labelled a “Founder” and Marketing Manager.
You have experience selling wholesale gifts to manufacturer reps, specialty gift shop buyers, consumer products manufacturers, and mass merchandiser buyers.
We have invented a novel electronic skin that can be applied to hundreds of consumer gifts like birthday cards, baseball hats, license plate frames, posters, and more. The skin animates and personalizes the consumers gift. The consumer can instantly personalize their gift with an app on their mobile.
Our website :
We are currently educating angel investors and vcs in the greater Seattle area and Silicon Valley area about purchasing part of the company. You and I will have the opportunity to meet the hyper wealthy movers and shakers in the area, and we will both benefit by networking with them. Our goal is to raise $500K seed round. Note that men and women are prominent in the angel and vc community.
Your name and photo will be prominently featured as a “Founder” and Marketing Manager at and on our website.
Note that this is a part time job, only a few hours a week to start. I pay cash, typically $40.00 an hour for schmoozing with the public and angels at startup and angel events in the S. Bay area.
If you have prior experience in wholesale sales of gifts, please contact me by phone or text.
Thank you for taking time to read this employment post. I appreciate your consideration very much! Allen
This job is for a part time employee based in the greater Silicon Valley area. Compensation in the form of wages and stock.
We are going to have lots of fun. Delighting children, teenagers, and many adults with our animated graphics based gifts. As one of the founders of the startup, you will enjoy making people happy with your creative designs for our animated graphics based gifts. This job involves no selling.
As a startup we are educating angel investors and vcs about purchasing part of the company. When I am in the Silicon Valley pitching angels and vcs, you will have the opportunity to meet with them and explain to them your skills in graphic design and creative. Doing so is a great way to extend your reach to the hyper wealthy movers and shakers in the Silicon Valley area.
Often times we have the opportunity to attend after hours business events, with generous hor d’oevres and libations.
You will have standard graphic arts skills in Adobe products, and a portfolio to share.
See our website :
Note that this is a part time job, only a few hours a week to start. I pay cash, typically $25.00 an hour for schmoozing with the public and angels at startup and angel events in the S. Bay area.
For more information, please phone me personally.
Thank you for reading this offer. I appreciate your kind consideration. Allen